Elite Dental Assistant School

(512) 361-7133

10418 Lake Creek Pkwy Austin, TX 78750


Choosing the right school for dental assistant training is a crucial step towards achieving your career goals, and the decision should be based on comprehensive considerations. While public recognition and a commitment to excellence are paramount, delving deeper into various aspects will ensure a well-rounded evaluation. Accreditation stands out as a key factor, as it ensures that the education provided by the school meets industry standards and is recognized by employers and licensing bodies. A school’s curriculum is equally important; it should strike a balance between theoretical knowledge and practical skills, offering a comprehensive understanding of dental assisting.

Moreover, the quality of facilities and resources is a significant determinant of the learning experience. Modern equipment and well-maintained facilities contribute to a more effective education. Instructors play a pivotal role in shaping your education; therefore, assessing their qualifications and experience is essential. Experienced instructors not only impart knowledge but also provide valuable insights into the practical aspects of the profession.

Internship opportunities can significantly enhance your skill set, providing hands-on experience in a real-world dental setting. Inquiring about the success rates of graduates further validates the school’s effectiveness in preparing students for the workforce. A program that boasts a high employment rate post-graduation is indicative of its commitment to producing skilled professionals. Additionally, exploring student reviews and testimonials offers perspectives on the overall satisfaction of those who have undergone the program.

Considering the cost of the program and available financial aid options is practical, ensuring that the investment in education aligns with your budget. Networking opportunities provided by the school can be invaluable for building connections within the dental industry, potentially opening doors to future employment. Lastly, the school’s location and schedule should be convenient, allowing for a seamless integration of education into your lifestyle. By thoroughly researching and weighing these factors, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your aspirations and sets the foundation for a successful career as a dental assistant.

About Elite Dental Assistant School

Elite Dental Assistant School has been training Dental Assistants and helping them gain employment in dental offices in and throughout Austin, TX.

Graduate from Elite Dental Assistant School you can be ready to launch your career quickly and successfully. With more than 24 years of experience and well-recognized approved programs for Dental Assisting, we’ve helped lots of men and women from a variety of backgrounds achieve success—we are ready to do the same for you.